Batch Geocoding Addresses
FREE TRIAL INSTANT ACCESS: Geocode your international addresses in bulk
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Batch geocoding addresses on the web
Subscribe now for free and try immediately our batch geocoding service.
Simply send us your list of postal addresses and submit your request.
Address4 will match the latitude and longitude with each specific address and you will immediately receive a free report plus the list of coordinates.
Uploading the addresses list is extremely easy. Simply subscribe and send us a file and we’ll process your request quickly!
Don’t miss out on “Cost Saving & Address Validation”
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Complete guide with the economic benefits of address validation

The online tool for batch geocoding addresses
The objective of Address 4 is to guarantee complete and accurate batch geocoding of addresses; this online service is accessible anytime and from anywhere in the world via the web. Thanks to its many features, our software is invaluable in developing of APIs, tools and applications that can be integrated into websites, platforms or management software.
You can calculate directions and distances between two or more points and the latitude and longitude of a specific location; identify the closest location to a point of interest; determine the best route in terms of time and cost, and much more. With Address 4, system integrators, developers and computer professionals will discover endless opportunities for batch geocoding addresses, all of which will exceedexpectations.
This is the best possible way to strengthen your business and achieve a higher level of competitiveness in over 250 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas.
Get your Free Trial of Address 4
No cost, no obligation, maximum satisfaction
Performance & Quality
Geocoding databases with Address4 offers a guarantee to those looking for high performance and quality at affordable prices.
Multiple Records
Manage multiple records for efficient database management.
Complete Autonomy
Address4 is available online 24 hours a day, for any type of operating system, guaranteeing complete control.